Humidity solutions for pools in any environment or application.

Humidity management for any pool environment.
A natatorium requires humidity levels between 40-60% for comfort, reasonable energy and chemical consumption, and protection of the building structure.
Pool dehumidifiers can be located indoors or outdoors, or as split systems, and vary widely in their complexity.
And while they are the basis of design for the natatorium environment, dehumidification systems alone will prove unsatisfactory if the entire structure and its components aren’t considered and controlled. After pool water chemistry and swimmer load, the variables to be addressed must include space pressure, temperature, humidity, ventilation, air distribution, duct design and evaporation rates. And as natatoriums can be a considerable energy burden on facilities, energy savings measures like heat recovery should be incorporated at design.
There are numerous types of pools and applications, each with its own requirements:
- Condominium/apartment
- Therapy
- Hotel
- Public & Schools
- Whirlpools/spas
- Wave pools/water parks